Vehicle Chain

Trusted Verification of Vehicle Specific Safety Issues


VehicleChain will help to reach higher quality and correctness for data on the use of vehicles in terms of correctness and trustability. The approach will enrich the official information with data on safety-relevant incidents and vehicle quality defects. With the help of blockchain technology, manipulations and untruths can be recognized and prevented by the system. The platform will provide all relevant data. Combined, and VehicleChain will enable a transparent view of used cars. Target groups of this platform solution are automotive suppliers, service providers (including SMEs like repair shops and leasing companies), and vehicle owners.


Toralf Kahlert (Project leader and system architect)

Lars Langenberg (Search-based application development)

Assad Khalid (Blockchain development)

Daphne Gross (Business Development)

Blockchain Experience

The implementation team has broad experience in Industry 4.0-related projects, especially for customers from the automotive supply chain. The main focus is on data analytics and “Cyber-Physical and Embedded Systems (CPES)”. In this connection, the company set up a DLT infrastructure consisting of a private Blockchain Network with a proof-of-authority consensus mechanism for facilitating Machine-to-Machine (M2M) interactions. Also, the company prototyped a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)-based collaborative robotics environment for a low-energy machine. Further, the team implemented a Proof-of-Authority (PoA) Ethereum network with Puppeth (and Geth)