Open Call #1: Slides and video recording of the webinar

To help potential participants TruBlo offered a webinar on February 24. Below are the slides from all the speakers. They provide quick overview of key aspects of open call #1.

Illustrative picture - question mark

Below please find a video recording and – as a separate file – the presentation used in the webinar. The goal was to inform participants in the call about important aspects. The topics covered ranged from how to apply to what TruBlo offers in terms of support for selected projects. The event took place on February 24, 2021.

Video Recording


[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]

Get in touch

We understand that even though there are documents and this presentation some questions might still be open. In such cases: Get in touch via e-mail or Twitter or LinkedIn, there are different ways. We will get back to you and aim to support your application.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash


26. February 2021

Written by Webmaster

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